Dec 21, 2023

Open Alpha

AAA Physics & Hundreds of Updates

Play Open Alpha
Open Alpha

We're officially in open alpha with our latest release, Feynman! Named in honor of the late physicist, Dr. Richard Feynman, it's packed with numerous new features, including one we’re most excited about: AAA Jolt networked physics out-of-the-box. Download now on Itch.

A strong, reliable, and intuitive physics engine is one of the most important components of not only making a game “feel” good, but giving players vast amounts of fun and satisfying things to do. This first iteration has the base networked physics engine shipped and we’ll be continually exposing more features from Jolt in upcoming releases.

If you want to implement networked Jolt physics in your own Godot game, in transparency, it took us 6+ months with some of the best Godot developers in the world. We know firsthand of the pains of game development and want you to be able to make amazingly fun games in The Mirror - without the same pain we went through.

Thus, Jolt physics now ships out-of-the-box with every Space created in The Mirror.

This release comes with a plethora of new features since our (quiet) open alpha Echo release in September. We listen to creators on our platform constantly and want to ensure we build the tools you most desire.

  • Mirror Metro, our hub: Hop in, learn how to build, and make friends. We’ll continually grow the Metro with new features, such as portals to other Spaces
  • Permissions: Build with friends and allow people to publicly contribute to your Space
  • Publishing in just a few clicks
  • Automated server management: No need to worry about managing servers
  • Play servers: Players can create servers to play your Space from the Space Details page
  • Visual scripting: many more blocks and quality of life upgrades
  • Scoreboard: track kills, deaths, and points
  • Equipables: Guns! Time to make shooter games
  • Shooting: Crosshair, camera punch effects
  • Sounds: Footsteps, jump, collisions, hit marker, spawn and death
  • Tags: Tag your Spaces, just like on X/Twitter, Instagram, or TikTok to help players discover your game
  • URLs: Post a link to your Space on social media!
  • Deep linking: Your Space page’s “Launch” button will open your Space directly if The Mirror is downloaded
  • Updated docs site, features page, and tutorial graphics
  • Hundreds of bug fixes (literally) and polished features

As always, everything is in real-time in The Mirror.

This is an alpha: there will be bugs and in-progress features. We want to be upfront with you about that. We’re a young startup and The Mirror is a massive undertaking, but we want to empower you to rapidly create high-quality physics-based 3D multiplayer games with data ownership and out-of-the-box everything. Even more, in a real-time experience with friends in the most fun manner possible.

If you recall from our GodotCon 2023 presentation, we mentioned releasing on the Epic Games store. We decided to instead ship on Itch to receive more feedback from the like-minded indie game dev community early on, and an Epic Games release will be coming in the future!

Our team has been extremely hard at work and we hope you enjoy it. Let us know what you think on our Discord.

We'd love for you to join us in shaping the future of game development. Download, create a Space, post videos, and invite your friends. See you in The Mirror.