Dec 22, 2023 Partnership & Long-Term Vision

Bidirectionality with Godot

Play Open Alpha Partnership & Long-Term Vision

We're excited to announce a new partnership with! We share the mission of helping Godot succeed and it's an honor to partner with the forums as a long-standing resource for the Godot community - we're glad to support it.

Why the partnership? In addition to supporting the community, our long term vision is to be the bidirectional platform for Godot. Whether you start in The Mirror and end in Godot, or start in Godot and end in The Mirror, we have you covered.

To start in Godot, our current functionality enables importing GLBs, which will bring along valid nodes from Godot, such as lights. Check out this demonstration in Devlog #16 below.

This is just the start. We'll also be releasing a Godot plugin so you can build in The Mirror side-by-side with Godot to quickly create and update in-world assets: think of Godot as your full "toolbox" for building in The Mirror.

To start in The Mirror and end in Godot, we're rolling out features progressively. At GodotCon 2023, we announced static exports to Godot. Analogously, you can think of exporting to Godot as pulling out an electrical component with dangling wires. Since The Mirror gives you numerous features like out-of-the-box networking, physics, authentication, databases, server deployments, and more, these are all things you'll need to build yourself if you don't use The Mirror. However, we want you to be able to own your data should you wish to move to standalone Godot.

In the future, we'll also add piecemeal functionality to the Godot plugin so you can enjoy individual functionality from The Mirror by itself in Godot.

Furthermore, we want you to be able to own your publishing destination to publish games outside of The Mirror while still fully using The Mirror to make your game - more info to come.

Check out our full GodotCon 2023 presentation for more details!

We have many exciting features in the works and would love for you to be a part of this journey. Join us to help shape the future of The Mirror! We constantly listen to feedback and prioritize features from what you tell us.

Happy holidays from everyone at The Mirror!